"We are all Steve Jobs."

It sounds completely right and wrong at the same time. It is wrong to equate an individual genius who changed the course of the future and made smartphone technology available to the whole world, many will say much more than that. On the other hand, it is quite correct to say that we are all Jobs from the philosophical aspect of this statement, we all live his vision and have accepted the new standard of communication, entertainment, consumption, etc. The iPhone, the first touchscreen smartphone, arrived on the market at the end of 2007, when mobile phones, laptops were already mainstream products of global society.

Jobs improved the existing technology, he did not start from scratch, but the design and concept were so revolutionary that when the iPhone first appeared, it seemed that society was still not ready for his ideas. I remember very well when he appeared in the school desk of a colleague, my attention could not be satiated, I used demand a 'try-out' every time  her eyes and fingers got tired.

Believe me, I decided then what my next mobile phone would be, I waited for more than a year for the old man to invent an occasion in which he would reward me undeservedly. However, not everyone rushed towards this miracle of technology, for some the problem was the price (it is not today), some were technologically illiterate and "too old", and there were also hipsters who do not part with comfort without glamour. Surprisingly, there were also a lot of peers who were expected to embrace the revolution in full early on, but most lacked solid reasons to change their typing habits, or were just pretending to be smart which would turn out to be the opposite. Today, everyone uses it, but in 2009 we had to listen to:

"what's the point, a mobile phone is a mobile phone", "I can't do without buttons", "is it for playing games?", "it's too big", etc.

It was not worth explaining to such people what are the advantages of the new gadget, what are all the potentials that open up and how is it worth making a little effort to master the latest technology. As always time has shown, it took several years of empty excuses, several cheaper versions and today everyone uses it without thinking of returning to the Nokia 3310, in honor of the exception and 10 romantics who escaped from the Amish community. Over the course of a few years, we collectively understood and accepted the "New Standard". By using the device itself and the software, people of different demographic characteristics began to understand the point.

The number of global users has grown from about 100 million in 2010 to 1 billion in 2012, and today there are about 4 billion users worldwide. The result speaks for itself, it takes time for the masses to accept the obvious advantage and improvement that new technologies bring with them. In this text, we used the example of a smartphone, but the same pattern followed the emergence of Web 1.0 (internet, email), Web 2.0 (social networks) and today Web 3.0 (blockchain, NFT, crypto). In order for people to accept Web 3.0 technologies, it is unnecessary to talk to the masses about the technical details of using cryptocurrencies, blockchain, NFT and the like.

"Most of us has a perception of internet as something that was present forever, today we can not imagine every day life without it. The truth is it had its test of time as well and numbers may surprise you"

The first question for each of us is what it brings me, but don't expect milk and honey. It is necessary to simplify the matter, Web 3.0 brings digital assets, a new standard of consumption and communication, where the emphasis is on efficiency, decentralization and the increasing connection of physical and digital. The increasing use of abstract Metavers potentiates the whole system to an additional level. A Non Fungible Token (NFT) is a digital asset linked to a blockchain system to which we can link art, subscriptions, tickets, avatars, video games, loyalty programs, personal data and a host of other things that will change the way we consume products and services in all industries including sports , travel, entertainment, automotive and food industries.

Revolution is inevitable when it offers betterment, efficiency and improvement of experience. NFTs today are nowhere near their maximum potential, it takes a lot of smart people to educate themselves and be willing to work to improve them, which takes time and patience. What we know today is that NFTs are efficient, easily transferable, environmentally friendly and prove ownership without involving xy institutions and processes. It should be emphasised that they are very safe, it is impossible to falsify them and their key characteristics can be upgraded at any time after they are manufactured. Many expect great technological revolutions to bring something beyond what the human brain can imagine, which is often wrong. Internal processes are unimaginable to many, but their everyday use is simple and solves simple social issues and problems, which makes them very necessary and necessary for progress.